
Refill Assistant – by Rx Mobility

We are super-excited to introduce our brand new product aimed at small to mid sized compounding pharmacies.

Refill Assistant comes from the same stable as Rx Mobility and Digital Compounder. In other words, from people who understand compounding pharmacy and understand the challenges you face.

Plus Refill Assistant is based on the same Rx Mobility platform that we co-developed with PCCA and integrated with PK Software The Compounder Rx.

Refill Assistant comprises a Refill Assistant mobile app that your patient downloads for free. Plus an integration with PK Software The Compounder Rx.

The integration with PK enables you to implement 3 automated workflows.

Automated Workflow 1 – Mobile app Refills

Valid refills are automatically entered into the To Do list in PK Software. The patient will automatically receive a relevant script related messages such as Order Accepted. Your Script has been queued for processing. Once you dispense, PK sends the patient a message that the script is ready. This all happens automatically.

Automated Workflow 2 – Refill Reminders

There is no need to call patients to remind them about their refills. Because an automatic reminder gets sent to the patient based on the Days Supply in PK Software minus the lab lead-time. On receipt of the reminder message, all the patient has to do is press the REFILL button. If pressed the refill gets entered into the To Do list. Use the Make New Script from Old command in PK and the app gets automatically updated with the new script number. See why we have a new tagline –

Remind, Refill, Repeat.

Automated Workflow 3 – Website Refills

You can even get a refill form to deploy on your website. The form is really simple to install and you do not even need a HIPAA compliant server because we take care of all of that. Plus valid script from the website get entered into the PK To Do list (same as the mobile app). Again, this all happens automatically.

Refill assistant also comes with a pharmacy portal through which you can create additional patients communication workflows:

  1. Increase refills with continuous reminders.
  2. 2-way messages so patients can now communicate with you via the app.
  3. Marketing messages to help market seminars, events and promotions.

With Refill Assistant, there are 3 new price options.

For compounding pharmacies who really want to focus on reducing interruptions and phone calls, Refill Assistant costs only $129 / month with a 7 day free trial before payment.

For pharmacies where marketing features and branding awareness are important, Refill Assistant Plus costs $249/month – again with a 7 day free trial before payment.

And for larger compounders, small chains or 503B outsource facilities, Rx Mobility is $349/month for your 1st store.

Rx Mobility

There are more details in the video below.

For more information on any of these topics or to get in touch simply click above

Pharmacy Websites displayed on mac
Pharmacy Portal Websites and Mobile Apps
Phone displaying Refill Mobile Apps

Pharmacy Websites, Mobile Apps and Social Advertising Made Easy