
NEW: Refill-ready websites for community pharmacies

After analyzing over nearly 100 pharmacy websites, we came to a conclusion on what comprises a great pharmacy website.

The website should be modern and look good. The website should offer core functionality likes refills and transfer scripts. Plus tell patients about your people, your services and provide contact information.

Refill Assistant Website has been optimized for community pharmacies providing a high quality website with HIPAA compliant forms for refills and script transfers.

In this webinar we delve into the details behind Refill Assistant Websites.

This refill-ready website costs only $99/month + $499 set up. There is No minimum contract; No small print and No gotchas

Interested in learning more about how to better connect patients to your pharmacy in order to increase refill adherence and the pharmacy’s productivity? Please sign up for our mailing list.

For more information on any of these topics or to get in touch simply click above

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Pharmacy Portal Websites and Mobile Apps
Phone displaying Refill Mobile Apps

Pharmacy Websites, Mobile Apps and Social Advertising Made Easy